Biot Clinic

Despite the fact that the cosmetic procedure of hair transplantation has formed an ideal global phenomenon to solve the problems of baldness and hair loss for all men and women once and for all, it is not within everyone’s reach, whether due to financial constraints or any other reason, which prompts people to search for easier and less expensive solutions without surgery. Like treatments such as minoxidil is considered to be the most popular and reliable medication today


What is minoxidil?


Originally, the real use of minoxidil is a treatment for high blood pressure and expansion of blood vessels and arteries, and it was prescribed for heart patients as well, but with time its effect on hair growth was noticed among its users, as the rate of growth and hair density increased for them, and after several studies, minoxidil became prescribed as a treatment for hair loss and baldness in multiple forms, the most important of which Topical minoxidil is the only drug approved by the World Health Organization as a solution to the problems of partial baldness


Using minoxidil to treat hair loss


The most common and used form of minoxidil for the treatment of baldness is minoxidil at a concentration of 2%, and it is usually prescribed to female patients because it has a milder effect. For men, minoxidil is prescribed at a concentration of 5%, due to its effects, in addition to the fact that baldness cases in men are more difficult.

Minoxidil is applied as a topical ointment on the scalp or the area that suffers from baldness or hair thinning, and it is applied to dry hair twice on a daily basis. This solution can be purchased without a prescription. What makes this drug desirable as a solution to hair loss problems is that it is an external treatment and is relatively less expensive than other solutions and less complicated.


What are the benefits of minoxidil?


Promote hair growth in people who suffer from thinning hair or a gradual loss of hair on the top of the head.
Stimulates hair growth. It can dilate blood vessels in the scalp, which may improve the function of hair follicles and thus hair growth.


What damage does minoxidil cause?


Possible side effects as a result of hair loss treatment with minoxidil preparations are few, however, it is important to know them and take them into consideration before using it.


Minoxidil side effects:

  • Irritation, redness, and mild peeling of the scalp, and sometimes slight swelling in the face area
  • Undesirable excess hair growth for women, especially in the eyebrows and forehead area, and in sensitive places that can distort the beauty of a woman’s appearance, and it appears especially in the face and can increase with the length of use of minoxidil and its concentration, so for women, it is not recommended to use minoxidil in concentration It is high and can be replaced by a concentration of only 2%.
  • Weakness in sexual ability, but medical studies say that minoxidil’s relationship to sexual ability is unlikely.
  • The appearance of some dark color in the skin of the face, but in general it is light and it is a very rare symptom.
  • The most dangerous complication of using minoxidil is its effect on blood pressure because it causes a sharp drop in those who suffer from low blood pressure.

Therefore, these patients are not advised to use the drug except after consulting a doctor and adhering to the prescribed dose


The effectiveness of this treatment in treating hair loss and the expected results from its use


Minoxidil can’t be considered an effective treatment for all cases of baldness, as there are cases that no drug can cure, and the solution is possible with hair transplant. but in general, the response rates of genetic baldness to minoxidil treatment with a concentration of 5% results can be visible after 3-6 months.


Too good to be true!

Although this sounds good, but the more you want to get better results, you need to increase the dose of this treatment, and this may lead to an increase in its side effects, and it may be useless or a significant result, especially if the baldness is advanced.


In cases of male hair loss

it is preferable to use minoxidil at a concentration of 5% over a concentration of 2% as an alternative treatment for hair regrowth, and the amount of its effect has been studied in several trials. The studies showed that a 5% concentration achieved an increase in hair growth by 45% more, and the results appeared earlier than a 2% concentration over a period of about a year.


The ability of this treatment to treat hair loss is temporary and not ideal.

Once the treatment is stopped, the hair loss will begin to start as it doesn’t treat the root of the problem, which is the hormonal cause

in addition to the length of the treatment period until the appearance of any significant results, unlike hair transplantation, for example, which provides a radical and final solution at a lower cost. Possible harm to all baldness problems in men and women as well.


Advice before taking minoxidil


Doctors usually recommend using minoxidil only for men who suffer from early baldness, and within a period not exceeding five years from the start of the process. Because the sooner we treat baldness, the higher the success rate.

baldness, and within a period not exceeding five years from the start of the process. Because the sooner we treat baldness, the higher the success rate.


However, there are some tips and things that must be taken into consideration before thinking of resorting to this drug:

  • Minoxidil is not a permanent cure for baldness and it cannot treat advanced cases of baldness. And if you do not see results after several months of using it, it may not be effective for you
  • Minoxidil treats hair loss caused by genetics, not temporary hair loss caused by pregnancy or medical treatment.
  • Minoxidil is safe to use on color-treated hair, one day after dyeing it to avoid causing minor scalp irritation.
  • Do not use minoxidil on any part of the body other than the head.
  • When you stop using it, hair loss will return, meaning that it must be maintained for a lifetime to maintain the results.
  • For women, the use of minoxidil at a concentration of more than 2% will cause unwanted problems and is not recommended at all

It is not recommended to use minoxidil in any of the following cases:

  • It is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor at all
  • When the real cause of hair loss is not known (when there is a disease or nutritional deficiency)
  • In case of scalp allergy to minoxidil
  • Due to its effect on blood vessels and blood pressure, it is not recommended for use by people who suffer from heart and blood vessel diseases.
  • If you are using other skin preparations. This includes medicines you take without a prescription, such as herbal and complementary medicines.
  • It is forbidden to use it for pregnant or breastfeeding women.