Hair transplant during pregnancy

Hair transplant during pregnancy

A lot of people would describe the beauty of a woman by the beauty of her hair, and the problem of hair loss in women is very important and cannot be overlooked, and a woman’s sensitivity to her appearance increases during pregnancy, especially with the changes that occur in her body. It may require a final, guaranteed, and safe solution for the mother and fetus, and among these possible solutions is hair transplant during pregnancy, which may be a proposed solution to the problem of baldness or hair loss during pregnancy and also in some special cases.

Causes of hair loss during pregnancy and the possibility of hair transplantation during pregnancy
Causes of hair loss while pregnancy

It is known that during pregnancy the hair becomes thicker and denser, but nevertheless, every pregnant woman must be aware that there is a fetus that shares everything with her, and that pregnancy leads to many hormonal changes in the woman’s body, so you may notice hair loss from her head and its increase in other areas of the body, and this is normal and causes excessive hair loss. The rise in estrogen in the body during pregnancy

In cases of great loss, the woman’s best option may be to undergo a hair transplant, if there is a possibility to do so.

  • In addition to that, there are many reasons that lead to hair loss
  • Nutrition: The lack of various nutritional factors in the diet of a pregnant woman, especially vitamins and minerals, is one of the main causes of hair loss, and it often occurs because the fetus is fed through the mother, which reduces the percentage of her benefit from food, which can affect the health of her hair.
  • General health: Not all pregnant women suffer from the problem of hair loss in general, as it is a matter that depends greatly on the nature of the body and the health of each woman separately. Women who are healthy before pregnancy may not notice this problem during pregnancy at all.
  • Hair quality: especially women with oily hair are often the most susceptible to hair loss during pregnancy. When faced with such a problem, you should refer to a specialist to prescribe the treatment or the most appropriate method for the woman’s hair type.
  • Using certain chemicals for hair care: Unnatural oils, or so-called chemicals, harm the hair more than it benefits, especially since hair is a compound of several chemicals, and with natural body secretions, it results in some chemical reactions, which expose the body of a pregnant woman to A biological and chemical imbalance that affects the basic structures of the hair
  • Psychological situation: It is known that every pregnant woman suffers from anxiety and tension during pregnancy and even after childbirth, and what many women do not know is that constant stress and anxiety lead to an increase in hormonal disorders in the body, which can cause hair loss.
  • Increased hair dryness: Studies confirm that dry hair becomes drier as a result of high levels of progesterone (pregnancy hormone), which makes your hair more prone to breakage and brittleness, especially in the late period of pregnancy. Since the breakage occurs close to the roots, it may look like hair loss

Hair loss treatment

The treatment of the problem of hair loss in pregnant women differs from one woman to another, according to each case separately and according to the problem she suffers from:

  • Using natural oils after consulting a specialist, such as a coconut oil, castor oil, oils of some birds such as ostriches, and henna powder, which is a cooling treatment for the head that works to reduce the temperature of the head and thus prevents hair loss. Taking good care of the health of the hair by following gentle and healthy methods of washing the hair and using a suitable shampoo for its type.
  • Ventilate the scalp before going to bed and remove the sediment accumulated on it by combing the hair with a soft brush made of natural fibers or a comb made of wood.
  • It is necessary to reduce the use of the electric dryer and let the hair dry naturally. A dryer or a ceramic straightening tool can be used to smooth the hair. It is preferable to avoid the iron straightening tool because it causes hair to burn and damage.
  • In special and very urgent cases, some women resort to during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth to hair transplantation in the event that hair loss greatly affects their beauty, after obtaining the approval of a doctor.

Hair transplant during pregnancy

In general, the hair transplant process takes place on the scalp only and has nothing to do with pregnancy or the fetus. During it, nothing or medicine is injected into the body, and even it takes place under the influence of local anesthesia, which makes this operation possible for a pregnant woman if she decides to undergo it after she is sure of the possibility of that

It is always preferable for women who are considering hair transplantation and childbearing to do transplantation after pregnancy, because hormonal changes related to pregnancy can cause hair loss again.

Hair transplantation is a better and safer solution for pregnant women than using some hair loss treatment drugs such as minoxidil and finasteride, because they are very harmful to pregnancy and the fetus.

The FUE technique for hair transplantation is the easiest and best method for pregnant women because it avoids the defects caused by other techniques. There is no trace of scars or the like, but it is also the most expensive. The FUE technique differs from the chip technology in the method of taking the follicles, where the doctor extracts entire follicles using specific needles from the back of the scalp, then replants them again according to the specific map for hair transplantation at the front of the head.

In conclusion, if the problem of hair loss is not significant and there is no extreme necessity, it is preferable to postpone the idea of undergoing this operation until after childbirth, for the convenience of the pregnant woman and to avoid any damage or complications that may result from the operation if it is performed by an incompetent doctor or without coordination with your doctor. Only the private person who follows your pregnancy from the beginning is an experienced and skilled hair transplant doctor who can reassure you and guide you toward this solution and its possibility.