Biot Clinic

Discussing what is the appropriate age for hair transplant?

Many wonder about the appropriate age for hair transplant. Hair loss for a young man under the age of 25 may be shocking and psychologically frustrating because it reduces his attractiveness in the eyes of the public, which may reflect negatively on his social life and psychological state and may leave him psychologically distorted.

The first sign of hair loss, which is generally common, is the development of mild thinning hair in the frontal area of the scalp, above the eyebrows, and on either side of the upper forehead. He may notice increased hair loss when combing or showering

And young people at this young age are more likely to be attracted to deceptive advertisements about medicines and solutions to the problem of hair loss in a magical and fast way.

However, many medical solutions guarantee better and safer results under a specialist’s supervision, including cosmetic hair transplants.
The age of hair transplantation

Hair transplantation at an early age

Causes of hair loss in young people

The problem of hair loss or baldness is an embarrassing and disturbing problem, especially when it begins to appear at a young age or in the youth stage, and hair loss returns at an early age for several reasons:

Genetic hair loss, if it is from one of the parents, older brothers, or uncles, may cause early signs of baldness.
Cutting hair, styling and taking care of it, or wearing a hat permanently and harmful to the follicles
A diet poor in nutritional factors that are important for the health of the body and hair, such as vitamins and minerals, and an unhealthy lifestyle
Some pathological problems, such as diseases of the thyroid gland or the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the secretion of androgens, directly affect hair growth and health.
Skin disease conditions of the scalp such as psoriasis
Stress, anxiety and depression, and constant exposure to stress and tension in daily life

Treatment of hair loss problems in young people

The first thing that a person should think about if he begins to notice hair loss at a young age is to consult a doctor who specializes in hair restoration. The doctor must be highly skilled and experienced, and it is also important that he be familiar with the latest technologies and follow modern cosmetic methods that meet the patient’s needs.
The doctor is the one who can determine the seriousness of the problem and whether it is temporary or will go away and what is the most appropriate treatment for it:

One of the treatments that can be resorted to in severe cases or in the event of the doctor’s approval is complete hair transplantation, as recently hair transplantation has become the best way to treat hair loss in the patient
In special cases, the doctor may resort to hair transplantation in a small part of the hair at the front of the head to present the forehead line
There is a medical treatment prescribed by some doctors, which is to treat hair loss and strengthen it. It is a treatment without surgery, and it is called minoxidil and finasteride, and it is the only treatment for hair approved by various health organizations in the world.
There are some natural remedies based on foods and a balanced diet, in addition to hair-strengthening masks and some nutritional supplements such as vitamins and zinc.

The best age for hair transplantation

There is no specific age suitable for undergoing a hair transplant due to the different cases and problems, but it remains to perform surgeries, especially cosmetic ones, preferably after full puberty, which is after the age of 25, after the growth and change processes in the body have stabilized, in order to ensure final results for cosmetic procedures, including hair transplantation.

However, there are some urgent or severe cases that occur at an early age, and even under the age of 20, the only solution for them may be surgery, especially if the doctor is sure that the factor causing baldness has gone or that it cannot affect in the future the permanence of the result of the hair transplant.

However, hair transplantation at an early age is not the first option for several reasons

The pattern and extent of hair loss development is not fully detected at this early age. Hair transplantation may not be a likely thing after advancing age
Obtaining a cosmetic appearance close to normal for this age may be difficult, and the guarantee of a lifetime result is not certain
Also, the results can appear unexpectedly and may have to be fixed at a later time. This means additional future surgeries to maintain a natural and appropriate appearance
If the owner of the problem is at a very young age, i.e. a minor, it is difficult for him to make a proper decision regarding this issue. If the operation takes place, it must be under the supervision and approval of the parents.

Benefits of hair transplantation at an early age

Restoring self-confidence: One of the main negative effects of baldness at an early age is the loss of confidence and hair transplantation enables them to regain hair as soon as possible.
They are also able to handle the situation discreetly before the loss is large enough to go unnoticed
Easier and faster recovery: This is because there is a high level of adherence in patients of this age. In addition, the patient is less likely to be under any kind of medication for chronic diseases.
The transplanted hair is permanent meaning that once the procedure is done, there is no longer to worry about hair loss in the treated area. Also, the fact that the transplanted hair belongs to the person himself, means that it fits him well and will continue to grow similarly to the original hair and maintain its natural appearance.